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Stephen Glenister


professional skillset


Cinematic Design


System Design

Training and Mentoring



Feb 2023 - Present

Advanced Game Designer

Supermassive Games


After working in a modified version of Unreal Engine on the release of 3 titles, I was tasked with developing a vertical slice of a project (currently under NDA) to present to stakeholders. This resulted in further funding being raised.

I was then asked to develop the architecture behind how games would be designed in the future for the company, bringing organisation and innovation to the process and promoting cooperation between internal teams.

Now working on another unreleased title, I am responsible for designing system features and technical innovations alongside training and mentoring new designers. A large part of the role involves prototyping and implementing a range of game design elements, making decisions that will affect gameplay, and updating accompanying documentation.

Feb 2022 - Feb 2023

Game Designer
(Cinematics and Narrative Team)

Supermassive Games


Working closely with the Game Director, and given ownership of specific levels, my cinematography skills were developed further.


The games we make at Supermassive are cinematic and narrative driven. With everything I do I look at how we can convey the emotions and messages we want the player to understand.

The intention is to design gameplay and cinematics in such a way as the narrative is diegetic and immersive. A large part of the job relies on designing and implementing cinematics, and how these will flow and blend seamlessly into the gameplay.

In addition, I have shown good soft skills with initiative, teamwork and the ability to organise myself to work to deadlines.

2020 - 2022

Game Developer

National Film and Television School


Working primarily in Unity and Maya to develop Harp Song, a Bafta nominated game pitch.

With a development team of just myself and one other, I designed and directed this vertical slice with a view to raising funding. The game was showcased at EGX in 2021.

More information can be found on my portfolio and dedicated Featured page.


Stephen Glenister 2021



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